Friday 7 February 2014

Liebster Awards - English Version

I got nominated for Liebster Awards by Fashion Tantrum. I must say that I didn't know about this initiative, that consists in knowing better bloggers which blogs have little visibility and followers. So, I decided to accept the challenge.
Thanks Fashion Tantrum for the nomination and thanks to you all that follow my blog already!

Here's all the information:

* link back to the person you nominated you
* answer the 11 questions given by the person who nominated you
* nominate 11 blogs and give them 11 questions of your own to answer
* don't nominate back the person who nominated you
* let the bloggers know you've nominated them

Questions by Fashion Tantrum (already answered by me)
1- What would you say to a future self in two words? Keep enjoying.

2- Blogging: business, entertainment or outlet? Entertainment and outlet.

3- Favorite style decade and why? The 70's because they were a liberating and revolutionary time in terms of fashion too.

4- Name 3 things you can't live without. Music, movies and books.

5- Favorite city in the world. It's really hard to choose just one, so I choose Lisbon, the city where I live, and Paris, San Francisco (North America), Buenos Aires (South America) and Cape Town, one for each continent I've visited.

6- Are you a trend follower or a style adventures? I think I mix both things.

7- How would you coordinate 2 unmatchable colors? Normally, I always manage a multicolored scarf that miraculously has the two unmatchable colors.

8- Tell me something funny about yourself. I have a sister four years older than me but, when we hang out together, we often hear someone saying "Look, they're twins!".

9- What other creative side you have? Besides what's on your blog. Honestly, none in special. I try to put them all together on my blog.

10- If you had $100 to spend in essentials for 3 months, what would it be? A pair of shoes, a pair of jeans, some shirts and a bag (I shop in cheap stores, so I think I could buy all that).

11- Where would you go live for a year? India or Macau.

Blogs that I'm nominating

Rêtro Vintage Maggie
T point Fashionable
Stay Luxury
el arte de la moda
Live laugh and travel
Nothing but Delicious
What Would Wonder Woman Do?

My questions
1- Why did you decide to start your blog?
2- What is the theme/subject that you like to post the most on your blog?
3- What is your favorite season of the year?
4- If you had to recommend a book to someone, which one would you recommend?
5- What are the three songs that you never get enough of?
6- If you had the opportunity to make three of your wishes come true, what would they be?
7- Which cities or countries would you like to visit or visit again?
8- What is your favorite movie?
9- Who would you like to be for one day?
10- What is a "Perfect Day" to you?
11- What are the three adjectives that define you the best?

And that's all! 

1 comment:

  1. Hey! I enjoy your blog and I agree involve a lot of creativity. Interesting how 11 simple questions got me to know much more of you. Thanks for Sharing and best wishes to you.
